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God’s Love is Liberating, Not Restrictive

Many people try to sum up God’s Law with the word “Don’t” or maybe “Thou shall not….” Fill in the blank. As a result, many people view His Laws as restrictive instead of what it actually is: Loving. Yeah. Think about it; when you have information about harmful stuff, do you stay silent about it to those you care about, or do you give them a warning? Chances are, if you’re not cruel, you would want to ensure that they avoid the harm they are not aware of.

For instance, when I was learning to drive, I was given the incredible opportunity, as you likely were too. With that set of wheels came a seemingly limitless number of possibilities! However, in my optimism about my new horizons, I was not thinking about all the ways my newfound freedom could hurt me. Family and friends, on the other hand were. I was reminded of the hazards of speeding, passing on those two-lane country roads and even going up blind hills (of which there were many) on those one lane, barely paved, country roads.

These people were not trying to restrict my freedom but attempting to ensure it! If I had been pulled over for speeding, while fun in the moment, the financial and judicial penalties are not so fun. Passing in a two lane road, or not proceeding with caution at every blind hill, while hindering my need for speed, could mean a worse fate for myself or someone else.

Anything outside of His Law is harmful to us, regardless of whether we realize it right away or not.

The same can be said with God’s Law. He didn’t place restrictions surrounding finances, work/physical activity, communication, relationships, physical intimacy, worship, and others to hinder our desires, but to allow us to enjoy them to their fullest potential. Anything outside of His Law is harmful to us, regardless of whether we realize it right away or not. What is also sad is this idea that God directly punishes everyone that disobeys, when it is the natural order of this world, fallen though it may be.

These Laws are dead without a relationship with God’s only begotten Son

Although perhaps it’s BECAUSE this world is fallen that these Laws are SO IMPORTANT! It’s vital not to blow all our money on entertainment and alcohol so that we can meet our obligations and still have financial freedoms. It’s important to stay active, not lay around and eat all the time. It’s also important to rest regularly. It’s important to not deceive people around you so that you can form tight bonds with others and become a trustworthy person among friends, family, and coworkers. It’s important for a man and woman to keep intimacy between only themselves, in a marriage. It’s important to worship God through Jesus.

In a world growing evermore lifeless, these Laws bring Life into our innermost being. The more we stray from these Lifegiving laws, the more dead we become. But these Laws are dead without a relationship with God’s only begotten Son. If you have not placed your faith in the Jesus, you can follow all the Laws you want, but it won’t matter one bit beyond this life, because while these Laws are of God, and bring Life into areas of our lives, they can not bring us back to Life. However, we will explore this later.



Come Alive