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Two Different Gods

I find that people in the church tend to get a little too wrapped up in their version of God; sometimes to the point where when a conflict (or multiple conflicts) arises between what they THINK they know of who YHWY is and who He reveals Himself to be in Scripture arise, they choose the version they’ve got in their minds instead…

That’s not worshiping YHWY.
That’s idolatry.

…or they realize that they haven’t been truly following YHWY as He reveals Himself in His Word, and they walk away from the church entirely, which has been happening a lot lately too.

This is why I so strongly believe that it’s important to move away from denominational theologies, which do more to limit the scope of how we see God through the Bible and in our daily lives, and return to a model where if we believe that the Bible IS the Word of God, meant to be an example of how He interacts with us, His beloved creation, then we should expect Him to continue to interact with us as the example He gave us says He will… And like He does elsewhere in the world today and throughout history.

People end up believing that their versions of YHWY are somehow better than the real YHWY

The Western church’s sanitized versions of God, Jesus, and even the Bible as a whole, do more harm than good as people end up believing that their versions of YHWY are somehow better than the real YHWY; a ludicrous concept, chocked full of subconscious heresy! This is exactly why people would choose to stick with an ethical god of their own design over a Holy God who they just don’t understand, because they haven’t been properly taught how faith, hope, or love, as God defines them works; instead, operating only on a worldly definition of each of these.



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